Happy faces in the "House of Smiles" from the Völs Parish Newsletter, 3/2023

A group from the Noah Association in front of an orange-red brick shell with white window frames and a white door, known as the 'House of Smiles'.

At the end of August, a group of supporters of the Noe Partium project, along with two board members from the Noah Association, traveled to Romania. Pastor Christoph would have liked to join but had to cancel due to illness. At the House of Smiles, we were warmly welcomed by people with disabilities and staff with big smiles. The relaxed and very warm atmosphere deeply touched us all.

Twelve people with cognitive disabilities have been attending this day care from Monday to Friday for nearly six years. They engage in activities such as stitching, painting, playing, learning, cooking and eating together, singing, laughing, and praying. Some of these individuals live in very precarious conditions at home. At the House of Smiles, they find a safe space, professional support, and loving care.

In conversations with Irina and Judit, the two main coordinators, we also discussed the many organizational and financial challenges. A major challenge is completing the residential building currently under construction, which will provide a new home for ten people. Much has been accomplished: the shell is up, and windows and doors are installed. If all goes according to plan, the house should be ready for occupancy in spring 2024. About 83% of the construction costs are funded, with approximately €70,000 still needed.

Travel group from the Noah Association in front of an orange-red brick shell with white window frames and a white door, known as the 'House of Smiles'.

How it all began - a dream becomes a blessing

Tünde Löchli, former director of Caritas in the Satu Mare Diocese in Romania, and Pastor Andreas Tausch (Fliess) dreamed, together with others, of a facility for people with cognitive disabilities in Romania. The mayor of Micula, a village in northeastern Romania, embraced the idea with great enthusiasm. The community provided a former kindergarten, where the House of Smiles was opened in the fall of 2017.

In Tirol, the Noah Association was founded in 2013 under the leadership of Pastor Andreas Tausch, with the aim of supporting the project financially in the long term. The Noe Partium Association is the legal entity responsible for the project in Micula. Thanks to a major donation, the construction of a residential building could also be started. Once again, the local community helped by providing a plot of land free of charge. Construction began in the summer of 2021, but the project faced setbacks. About two years ago, Tünde Löchli passed away from the effects of COVID-19. It was a great shock, and everyone involved wondered how the project would continue. Added to this were the war in nearby Ukraine and the general increase in costs. However, thanks to the dedicated local staff, much volunteer support from the village of Micula, and generous donors, this young, promising project continues to grow. In memory of Tünde, the residential building will be named Tünderhon, which means "Fairy Treasure" in German.

Sponsors support us with a monthly contribution. Donations to the Noah Association are also tax-deductible. You can find more information at www.verein-noah.at/donate/sponsorship.

I would also like to extend my heartfelt thanks to Pastor Christoph for the birthday campaign in honor of his 60th birthday, benefiting Tünderhon, and to all the donors.

Gottfried Lamprecht, Chairman of the Noah Association