Dear supporters of the Noah association!

We look back on the past year with gratitude. Grateful for the lively community in the House of Smiles in Micula, for the tireless commitment of Irina, Judit and Eva, the three employees in the Noe Partium project, for the voluntary support from the village of Micula, for the commitment of Fritz Mayerhofer in the completion of the residential building, for obtaining donation deductibility for the Noah Association, for the sponsors, for the many large and small donations.

Happy faces at the House of Smiles so

At the end of August, a group of supporters traveled to Romania.

The tour group with the people in the House of Smiles

At the House of Smiles, we were welcomed with a big smile by the people with disabilities and the staff. We were all deeply moved by the relaxed and very warm atmosphere. Twelve people with cognitive disabilities have been coming to this day care center from Monday to Friday for six years. Here they embroider, paint, play, learn, prepare and eat meals together, sing, laugh, pray, ... Some of these people live in very precarious circumstances at home. At the House of Smiles, they have a protected space, receive professional support and loving guidance.

Daniel and Eva on the left, Annamaria and István on the right

In conversations with Irina and Judit, the two main people responsible, the many organizational and financial challenges are also discussed. One particular challenge is the completion of the house under construction, called Tünderhon. Much has been achieved. The shell is in place, windows and doors have been installed. If everything goes according to plan, the house should be ready for occupancy in 2024. Around 83% of the construction costs have been financed. Around € 70,000.00 is still needed. Ten people with disabilities will find a permanent and safe home in this house.

We would like to thank all sponsors, all donors and all those who support this growing sign of hope and humanity with their goodwill and prayers. We continue to ask for your support through a sponsorship, a donation, but also by telling others about this project.

We at the Noah Association wish you a happy Advent, a Merry Christmas and God's blessing in the New Year.

Gottfried Lamprecht (Chairman)

A brilliant idea for his 60th birthday

On the occasion of his 60th birthday, Christoph Pernter, OPraem, parish priest in Völs, asked people not to give him gifts personally, but to support the Noe Partium project in Micula with a donation. This wish of the priest was very well received, so that almost € 11,000.00 was donated. We would like to thank Pastor Christoph and all donors for this great support.

Pastor Christoph

Become a sponsor

The solidarity network of supporters is growing

Sponsors make a regular contribution to support the day-to-day running of the "House of Smiles", where twelve people with disabilities receive loving and professional care and support.

The House of Smiles is financed by government grants, support from the local community, deductibles from the people cared for, proceeds from the sale of homemade products and donations. There are currently three employees and ten volunteers working there.

From November 2022 to October 2023, the sponsors donated a total of € 3570.00.

Erika concentrates on her work

A big "Thank you" for your donation(s)

Around € 77,500.00 (including sponsorships) was donated to the Noah Association from November 2022 to October 2023. We would like to thank you very much for your great support. Donations are always an expression of trust and appreciation. With your donations, 100% of which we pass on to Noe Partium in Micula, we were able to support the ongoing operation of the House of Smiles with € 17,500.00 in 2023. The remaining donations will be used for the completion of the residential building currently under construction.

Some people have supported us with very generous private donations. For example, an elderly lady donated the impressive amount of € 20,000.00. I would also like to mention the support from the Kiwanis Club Schwarz (€ 3,000.00), the Order of the Servites in Innsbruck (€ 5,000.00), the Dr. Reinhold Stecher Foundation (€ 2,000.00) and the donations received in memory of DDr. Eszter Banffy (€ 1,200.00).

Donations to the Noah Association are tax-deductible

The deductibility of donations to Verein Noah will apply from February 17, 2023, which means that all donations from individuals and companies liable for tax in Austria that are transferred to us after this date can be deducted from tax. To make this possible, we need the donor's full name (as it appears on the registration form) and date of birth. We will report this data and the donation amount to the tax office at the beginning of 2024. The donations will be automatically taken into account as a special expense in the 2023 employee tax assessment.

If you would like to deduct your donations for tax purposes, please send your details either by telephone(0650 3608738), by email( or in writing to my postal address (Gottfried Lamprecht, Samerweg 16, 6067 Absam)

Our bank details

Noah Association

IBAN: AT68 3633 6000 0124 6909


If you have a standing order, please check whether you have changed your standing order to our new IBAN given here.

Membership fee Noah Association € 20.00 per year

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